We negotiate every day. We negotiate with co-workers, bosses, subordinates, clients, salespeople, romantic partners, and many others. This course is designed to build your understanding, skill, and confidence so that you achieve better outcomes in all your negotiations - large and small.

​A basic premise of the course is that great negotiators are not born, but made through thoughtful, evidence-based skill building. Thus, the course is structured around three types of activities: 1) Applying analytical skills to gain a strategic understanding of negotiation contexts; 2) Learning empirically validated techniques for advancing your interests; 3) Practice, practice, and more practice.

Important Course Information

MLD-220 consists of two weekly lectures, and a weekly negotiation simulation. Attendance at all lectures and participation in all simulations is mandatory.

Section B: 
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 - 10:15 AM, Eastern Time
Section D: 
Lectures: Monday and Wednesday, 12:00 - 1:15 PM, Eastern Time

Negotiation simulations for both sections will be held on Fridays, 9:00 - 11:45 AM, Eastern Time.

Cross Registration and Auditing Information

MLD-220 is not open for cross-registration and auditing because it is a part of the MPP Core and only open to MPP students.