Research Overview

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Academic Publications:

Voelkel, J.G., Stagnaro, M.N., Chu, J.,  [and 80+ others, including Minson, J.A.] (2023). Megastudy identifying effective interventions to strengthen Americans’ democratic attitudes. Science, accepted. PDF

  • J. A. Minson co-authored the #1 and #9 placing interventions reducing partisan animosity.

Minson, J. A., Yeomans, M.,  Collins, H. K.,  & Dorison, C. A. (2024). Conversational receptiveness transmits between parties and bridges ideological conflict. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, accepted. PDF

Tulan, D., Dorison, C. A., Gibbs, N., Minson, J. A. (2024). Can conversational receptiveness build trust in the media?. Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, in press. PDF

Hagmann, D., Minson, J. A., & Tinsley, C. H. (2024). Personal Narratives Build Trust in Ideological Conflict. .Journal of Applied Psychology, in press. PDF

Collins, H. K., Minson, J. A., Kristal, A., Wood Brooks, A. (2024). Conveying and detecting listening during live conversation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(2), 473–494. PDF

Minson, J. A., Bendersky, C., de Dreu, C., Halperin, E., & Schroeder, J. (2023). Experimental studies of conflict: Challenges, solutions, and advice to junior scholars. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes177, 104257. PDF

Moore, M., Dorison, C. A., & Minson, J. A. (2023). The contingent reputational benefits of selective exposure to information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 152(12), 3490–3525. PDF

Levin, J. M., Bukowski, L. A., Minson, J. A., & Kahn, J. M. (2023). The political polarization of COVID-19 treatments among physicians and laypeople in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences120(7), e2216179120. PDF

Minson, J. A. & Dorison, C. (2022). Why is exposure to opposing views aversive? Reconciling three theoretical perspectives. Current Opinion in Psychology, 101435. PDF

Collins, H. K., Dorison, C. A., Gino, F. & Minson, J. A. (2022) Underestimating Counterparts’ Learning Goals Impairs Conflictual Conversations. Psychological Science, 33(10), 1732-1752. PDF

Dorison, C. & Minson, J. A. (2022). You can’t handle the truth! Conflict counterparts over-estimate each other’s feelings of self-threat. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 170, 104-147. PDF

Minson, J. A. & Dorison, C. (2022). Toward a psychology of attitude conflict. Current Opinion in Psychology, 43, 182-188. PDF

Minson, J. A. & Chen, F. S. (2022). Receptiveness to Opposing Views: Conceptualization and Integrative Review. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 93(2), 93-111. PDF

Jeong, M., Minson, J. A., & Gino, F. (2021). Psychological shortcomings to optimal negotiation behavior: Intrapersonal and interpersonal challenges. In P. A. M. Van Lange, E. T. Higgins, & A. W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social Psychology: Handbook of Basic Principles (3rd ed., pp. 532-544). Guilford Publications. PDF

Minson, J. A. & Umphres, C. (2020). Confidence in context: Perceived accuracy of quantitative estimates decreases with repeated trials. Psychological Science, 31(8), 927-943. PDF

Yeomans, M., Minson, J. A., Collins, H., Chen, F. & Gino, F. (2020). Conversational Receptiveness: Expressing engagement with opposing views. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 160,131-148. PDF

Jeong, M., Minson, J. A., & Gino, F. (2020). In high offers I trust: The effect of first offer value on economically vulnerable behaviors. Psychological Science, 31, 644–653. PDF

Minson, J. A., Chen, F. S. & Tinsley, C. H. (2020). Why won’t you listen to me? Measuring receptiveness to opposing views. Management Science, 66, 3069-3094. PDF

Yeomans, M., Huang, K., Brooks, A.W., Minson, J. A. & Gino, F. (2019). It helps to ask: The cumulative benefits of asking follow-up questions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 117, 1139–1144. PDF

Dorison, C., Minson, J. A., Rogers, T. (2019). Selective exposure partly relies on faulty affective forecasts. Cognition, 188, 98-107. PDF

Logg, J., Minson, J. A. & Moore, D. A. (2019). Algorithm Appreciation: People prefer algorithmic to human judgment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 151, 90-103. PDF

Jeong, M., Minson, J. A., Yeomans, M. & Gino, F. (2019). Communicating with warmth in distributive negotiations is surprisingly counter-productive. Management Science, 65, 5813-5837. PDF

Minson, J. A., Van Epps, E., Yip, J., & Schweitzer, M. (2018). Eliciting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: The effect of question type on deception. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 147, 76-93. PDF

Minson, J. A., Mueller, J. S., & Larrick, R. P. (2018). The contingent wisdom of dyads: When discussion enhances vs. undermines the accuracy of collaborative judgments. Management Science, 64, 4177-4192. PDF

Huang, K., Yeomans, M., Brooks, A.W., Minson, J. A. & Gino, F. (2017). It doesn’t hurt to ask: Question-asking increases liking. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 113, 430-452. PDF

Milkman, K.L., Minson, J. A. & Volpp K.G.M. (2014). Holding the Hunger Games hostage at the gym: An evaluation of temptation bundling. Management Science, 60(2), 283-299. PDF

Chen, F.S., Minson, J.A., Schöne, M., & Heinrichs, M. (2013). In the eye of the beholder: Eye contact increases resistance to persuasion. Psychological Science, 24, 2254-2261. PDF

Minson, J. A., & Mueller, J. S. (2013). Groups weight outside information less than individuals do, although they shouldn’t: Response to Shultze, Mojzisch, and Schulz-Hardt (2013). Psychological Science, 24(7) 1373–1374. PDF

Bucchianeri, G. W. & Minson, J. A. (2013). A homeowner’s dilemma: Anchoring in residential real estate transactions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 89, 76-92. PDF

Liberman, V., Minson, J. A., Bryan, C. J. & Ross, L. (2012). Naïve realism and capturing the “wisdom of dyads.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 507-512. PDF

Minson, J. A. & Monin, B. (2012). Do-gooder derogation: Disparaging morally-motivated minorities to defuse anticipated reproach. Social and Psychological and Personality Science, 3, 200-207. PDF

Minson, J. A., & Mueller, J. S. (2012). The cost of collaboration: Why joint decision making exacerbates rejection of outside information. Psychological Science, 3, 219-224. PDF

Minson, J. A., Liberman, V., & Ross, L. (2011). Two to tango: The effect of collaboration and disagreement on dyadic judgment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1325–1338. PDF

Jacobson, J., Dobbs-Marsh, J., Liberman, V., & Minson, J. A. (2011). Predicting civil jury verdicts: How attorneys use (and mis-use) a second opinion. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 8, 99-119. PDF

Chen, F. S., Minson, J. A. & Tormala, Z. L. (2010). Tell me more: effects of expressed interest on receptiveness during dialog. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 46, 850-853. PDF

Undergoing Peer Review and Working Papers:

Reschke, B. P., Minson, J. A., Bowles, H. R., de Vaan, M., & Srivastava S. B. (2024). Friends on the other side: Receptiveness to opposing views predicts the political heterogeneity of social networks. Journal of Experimental Psychology, under review. PDF

Minson, J. A., Hagmann, D., & Luo, K. (2024). Beyond persuasion: Improving conversational quality around high-stakes interpersonal disagreements.  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, invited for resubmission. PDF

Jeong, M., Minson, J. A., & Soll, J. (2024). The Thrill of Intuition: Expectations of enjoyment increase adoption of intuitive choice strategies. Working paper. PDF

Yeomans, M. K., Bakyova, R., Beazley-Long, N.,  Chen, F. S., Collins, H.K., Huang, K., Jeong, M., Kennedy, M., Minson, J. A., & Munafo, M. (2024). Integrity Audits: One Response to Scientific Fraud in Management Research. Working paper.

Minson, J. A., & Tinsley, C. H. (2024). Receptiveness and persuasion. Working paper. PDF

Dorison, C. A., DeWees, B. R., & Minson, J.A. (2023). Beyond accuracy: Independent judgment aggregation triggers negative interpersonal evaluations. Working paper. PDF

Logg, J. L., Berg, L. & Minson, J. A. (2023). Everybody argues and nobody loses: Overestimation of success as a driver of debate. Working paper.

Minson, J. A., Kupor, D. M., & DeWees, B. R. (2023). Trying again is overrated: Reconsidering quantitative estimates does not improve accuracy, but people think it does. Working paper.

Publications in Professional Outlets:

Minson, J. A. & Gino. F. Managing a polarized workforce. Harvard Business Review, March-April, 2022. LINK

Jeong, M., Minson, J. A., Yeomans, M. & Gino, F. Being nice in a negotiation can backfire. Harvard Business Review, Negotiations section, September 6, 2019. LINK

DeWees, B. R. & Minson, J. A. The Right Way to Use the Wisdom of Crowds. Harvard Business Review, Decision Making Section. December 20, 2018. LINK

Logg, J. M., Minson, J.A., & Moore, D.A. Do People Trust Algorithms More Than Companies Realize? Harvard Business Review, Technology Section. October 26, 2018. LINK